Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Green Party 2008 Documentary - 3rd Eye Wisdom - Independent Political Action

A thought provoking documentary created by members of the Green Party, in support of Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente and Matt Gonzalez. What is the Green Party? Who are the members? What is Independent Political Action? How is it different from the Democratic and Republican Parties? What next?

Vote Independent and Green in 2008!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are the Green Spoilers or Fresheners?

The Green Party has no expiration date. We stay fresh and keep politics fresh. We bring new ideas into the conversation. We freshen up the system that the Democratic and Republican parties are trying to rotten. We are fighting for Instant Run Off Voting, Public Finance of Campaigns, Secure and Supervised Voting, and Open Debates. The question is, do you want the system to continue to rot or do you want to help the Green Party to keep it fresh?

• The concept of spoiling was defined and created by the Democratic Party and their funders due to their fear of losing the undeserved power they have in our country. If they can convince us that we are doing the opposite of building a movement and exercising our right to freedom and democracy, then they win. But we know the truth and we believe in Choices and Voices. We believe in our values. We know we are the fresheners of freedom, the baking soda of bueracracy. We are the party working to stop the rotting perpetuated by the Democratic and Republican Party.

• They year 2000, is an example of how the Green Party kept it fresh. Despite all that happened, it was the Green Party, 3rd Parties and Independent Voters, who fought for election justice.

The Supreme Court Spoiled (appointed by Dems and Repubs):
Al Gore won the 2000 election. George W. Bush became President when a biased US Supreme Court allowed election manipulation by Florida Republicans.

Al Gore Spoiled in 2000(Dem):
Gore ran a weak campaign with no clear message. He failed to defeat Bush in the debates and even lost his home state of Tennessee. MILLIONS of Democrats voted for Bush compared to the few hundred thousand who voted for Nader. Al Gore also accepted the "defeat" and let it go. Why?
Democratic Senators Spoiled:

When the Black Caucus challenged Bush’s election victory in January 2001, not one Democratic Senator stood up in support. Senate Democrats failed to push for an investigation of the Florida vote debacle.
The Democratic Party Spoiled:

For many years, Democrats never objected when officials removed African American and other voters from the voter rolls in Florida and other states. Why didn’t the Democrats sue when 90,000 Florida voters were disqualified earlier in 2000? Why were Democrats (including Gore) silent about disqualified votes in the weeks after the election

So, let's keep politics fresh. Vote Green!